Source code for vent.menus.del_instances

import json
import re

import npyscreen

from vent.helpers.meta import Dependencies

[docs]class InstanceSelect(npyscreen.MultiSelect): """ A widget class for selecting an exact amount of instances to perform actions on """ def __init__(self, *args, **kargs): """ Initialize an instance select object """ self.instance_num = kargs['instance_num'] super(InstanceSelect, self).__init__(*args, **kargs)
[docs] def when_value_edited(self, *args, **kargs): """ Overrided to prevent user from selecting too many instances """ if len(self.value) > self.instance_num: self.value.pop(-2) self.display()
[docs] def safe_to_exit(self, *args, **kargs): """ Overrided to prevent user from exiting selection until they have selected the right amount of instances """ if len(self.value) == self.instance_num: return True return False
[docs]class DeleteForm(npyscreen.ActionForm): """ A form for selecting instances to delete and deleting them """ def __init__(self, *args, **keywords): """ Initialize a delete form object """ self.new_instances = int(keywords['new_instances']) self.next_tool = keywords['next_tool'] self.manifest = keywords['manifest'] self.clean = keywords['clean'] self.prep_start = keywords['prep_start'] self.start_tools = keywords['start_tools'] self.cur_instances = [] self.display_to_section = {} self.old_instances = int(keywords['old_instances']) section = keywords['section'] for i in range(1, self.old_instances + 1): i_section = section.rsplit(':', 2) i_section[0] += str(i) if i != 1 else '' i_section = ':'.join(i_section) display = i_section.rsplit('/', 1)[-1] self.cur_instances.append(display) self.display_to_section[display] = i_section super(DeleteForm, self).__init__(*args, **keywords)
[docs] def create(self): """ Creates the necessary display for this form """ self.add_handlers({'^E': self.quit, '^Q': self.quit}) to_delete = self.old_instances - self.new_instances self.add(npyscreen.Textfield, value='Select which instances to delete' ' (you must select ' + str(to_delete) + ' instance(s) to delete):', editable=False, color='GOOD') self.del_instances = self.add(InstanceSelect, values=self.cur_instances, scroll_exit=True, rely=3, instance_num=to_delete)
[docs] def change_screens(self): """ Change to the next tool to edit or back to MAIN form """ if self.next_tool: self.parentApp.change_form(self.next_tool) else: self.parentApp.change_form('MAIN')
[docs] def quit(self, *args, **kargs): """ Quit without making any changes to the tool """ npyscreen.notify_confirm('No changes made to instance(s)', title='Instance confiugration cancelled') self.change_screens()
[docs] def on_ok(self): """ Delete the instances that the user chose to delete """ npyscreen.notify_wait('Deleting instances given...', title='In progress') # keep track of number for shifting instances down for alignment shift_num = 1 to_update = [] for i, val in enumerate(self.del_instances.values): # clean all tools for renmaing and relabeling purposes t = val.split(':') section = self.display_to_section[val] prev_running = self.manifest.option(section, 'running') run = prev_running[0] and prev_running[1] == 'yes' if i in self.del_instances.value: if run: # grab dependencies of tools that linked to previous one if i == 0: dependent_tools = [self.manifest.option( section, 'link_name')[1]] for dependency in Dependencies(dependent_tools): self.clean(**dependency) to_update.append(dependency) self.clean(name=t[0], branch=t[1], version=t[2]) self.manifest.del_section(section) else: try: # update instances for tools remaining section = self.display_to_section[val] settings_dict = json.loads(self.manifest.option (section, 'settings')[1]) settings_dict['instances'] = self.new_instances self.manifest.set_option(section, 'settings', json.dumps(settings_dict)) # check if tool name doesn't need to be shifted because # it's already correct identifier = str(shift_num) if shift_num != 1 else '' new_section = section.rsplit(':', 2) new_section[0] = re.sub(r'\d+$', identifier, new_section[0]) new_section = ':'.join(new_section) if section != new_section: # clean tool so that we can rename its container and # labels with new information self.clean(name=t[0], branch=t[1], version=t[2]) prev_name = self.manifest.option(section, 'name')[1] new_name = re.split(r'[0-9]', prev_name)[0] + \ identifier self.manifest.set_option(section, 'name', new_name) # copy new contents into shifted version self.manifest.add_section(new_section) for val_pair in self.manifest.section(section)[1]: self.manifest.set_option(new_section, val_pair[0], val_pair[1]) self.manifest.del_section(section) if run: to_update.append({'name': new_name, 'branch': t[1], 'version': t[2]}) shift_num += 1 except Exception as e: npyscreen.notify_confirm('Trouble deleting tools' ' because ' + str(e)) self.manifest.write_config() tool_d = {} for tool in to_update: tool_d.update(self.prep_start(**tool)[1]) if tool_d: self.start_tools(tool_d) npyscreen.notify_confirm('Done deleting instances.', title='Finished') self.change_screens()
[docs] def on_cancel(self): """ Exits the form without performing any action """ self.quit()