Source code for vent.menus.choose_tools

import threading
import time

import npyscreen

from vent.api.actions import Action
from vent.api.menu_helpers import MenuHelper
from vent.helpers.meta import Tools

[docs]class ChooseToolsForm(npyscreen.ActionForm): """ For picking which tools to add """ tools_tc = {}
[docs] def repo_tools(self, branch): """ Set the appropriate repo dir and get the tools available of it """ tools = [] m_helper = MenuHelper() repo = self.parentApp.repo_value['repo'] version = self.parentApp.repo_value['versions'][branch] status = m_helper.repo_tools(repo, branch, version) if status[0]: r_tools = status[1] for tool in r_tools: tools.append(tool[0]) return tools
[docs] def create(self): """ Update with current tools for each branch at the version chosen """ self.add_handlers({'^Q': self.quit}) self.add(npyscreen.TitleText, name='Select which tools to add from each branch selected:', editable=False) self.add(npyscreen.Textfield, value='NOTE tools you have already installed will be ignored', color='STANDOUT', editable=False) i = 6 for branch in self.parentApp.repo_value['versions']: self.tools_tc[branch] = {} self.add(npyscreen.TitleText, name='Branch: ' + branch, editable=False, rely=i, relx=5, max_width=25) tools = self.repo_tools(branch) i += 1 for tool in tools: value = True if tool.startswith('/dev'): value = False # tool in base directory if tool == '' or tool.startswith(':'): tool = '/' + tool self.tools_tc[branch][tool] = self.add(npyscreen.CheckBox, name=tool, value=value, relx=10) i += 1 i += 2
[docs] def quit(self, *args, **kwargs): self.parentApp.switchForm('MAIN')
[docs] def on_ok(self): """ Take the tool selections and add them as plugins """ def diff(first, second): """ Get the elements that exist in the first list and not in the second """ second = set(second) return [item for item in first if item not in second] def popup(original_tools, branch, thr, title): """ Start the thread and display a popup of the tools being added until the thread is finished """ thr.start() tool_str = 'Adding tools...' npyscreen.notify_wait(tool_str, title=title) while thr.is_alive(): tools = diff(Tools(), original_tools) if tools: tool_str = '' for tool in tools: pre_tool = 'Added: ' + branch + '/' + tool + '\n' tool_str = pre_tool + tool_str npyscreen.notify_wait(tool_str, title=title) time.sleep(1) return original_tools = Tools() for branch in self.tools_tc: api_action = Action() tools = [] for tool in self.tools_tc[branch]: if self.tools_tc[branch][tool].value: # get rid of temporary show for multiple tools in same # directory if tool == '/': tools.append(('.', '')) else: tools.append((tool, '')) repo = self.parentApp.repo_value['repo'] version = self.parentApp.repo_value['versions'][branch] build = self.parentApp.repo_value['build'][branch] thr = threading.Thread(target=api_action.add, args=(), kwargs={'repo': repo, 'branch': branch, 'tools': tools, 'version': version, 'build': build}) popup(original_tools, branch, thr, 'Please wait, adding tools for the ' + branch + ' branch...') npyscreen.notify_confirm('Done adding repository: ' + self.parentApp.repo_value['repo'], title='Added Repository') self.quit()
[docs] def on_cancel(self): self.quit()