Source code for vent.menus.editor

import ast
import copy
import json
import npyscreen
import os
import re

from vent.api.plugin_helpers import PluginHelper
from vent.api.templates import Template
from vent.menus.del_instances import DeleteForm

[docs]class EditorForm(npyscreen.ActionForm): """ Form that can be used as a pseudo text editor in npyscreen """ def __init__(self, repo='', tool_name='', branch='', version='', next_tool=None, just_downloaded=False, vent_cfg=False, from_registry=False, new_instance=False, *args, **keywords): """ Initialize EditorForm objects """ # default for any editor self.settings = locals() self.settings.update(keywords) del self.settings['self'] del self.settings['args'] del self.settings['keywords'] del self.settings['parentApp'] self.p_helper = PluginHelper(plugins_dir='.internals/') self.tool_identifier = {'name': tool_name, 'branch': branch, 'version': version} self.settings.update(self.tool_identifier) del self.settings['name'] self.settings['tool_name'] = tool_name self.settings['next_tool'] = next_tool self.settings['repo'] = repo # setup checks self.just_downloaded = ('just_downloaded' in self.settings and self.settings['just_downloaded']) self.vent_cfg = ('vent_cfg' in self.settings and self.settings['vent_cfg']) self.registry_tool = ('from_registry' in self.settings and self.settings['from_registry']) self.instance_cfg = ('new_instance' in self.settings and self.settings['new_instance']) # get manifest info for tool that will be used throughout if not self.just_downloaded and not self.vent_cfg: result = self.p_helper.constraint_options(self.tool_identifier, []) tool, self.manifest = result self.section = list(tool.keys())[0] # get configuration information depending on type if self.just_downloaded: self.config_val = '[info]\n' self.config_val += 'name = ' + keywords['link_name'] + '\n' self.config_val += 'groups = ' + keywords['groups'] + '\n' elif self.vent_cfg: self.config_val = keywords['get_configure'](main_cfg=True)[1] self.settings['tool_name'] = 'vent configuration' elif self.instance_cfg: path = self.manifest.option(self.section, 'path')[1] # defaults in .internals path = path.replace('.vent/plugins', '.vent/.internals') multi_tool = self.manifest.option(self.section, 'multi_tool') if multi_tool[0] and multi_tool[1] == 'yes': name = self.manifest.option(self.section, 'name')[1] if name == 'unspecified': name = 'vent' template_path = os.path.join(path, name + '.template') else: template_path = os.path.join(path, 'vent.template') # ensure instances is in the editor and that it is the right number template = Template(template_path) template.add_section('settings') template.set_option('settings', 'instances', str(self.settings['new_instances'])) template.write_config() with open(template_path, 'r') as vent_template: self.config_val = else: self.config_val = keywords['get_configure']( **self.tool_identifier)[1] super(EditorForm, self).__init__(*args, **keywords)
[docs] def create(self): """ Create multi-line widget for editing """ # add various pointers to those editing vent_cfg if self.vent_cfg: self.add(npyscreen.Textfield, value='# when configuring external' ' services make sure to do so', editable=False) self.add(npyscreen.Textfield, value='# in the form of Service = {"setting": "value"}', editable=False) self.add(npyscreen.Textfield, value='# make sure to capitalize your service correctly' ' (i.e. Elasticsearch vs. elasticsearch)', editable=False) self.add(npyscreen.Textfield, value='# and make sure to enclose all dict keys and' ' values in double quotes ("")', editable=False) self.add(npyscreen.Textfield, value='', editable=False) elif self.instance_cfg: self.add(npyscreen.Textfield, value='# these settings will be used' ' to configure the new instances', editable=False) self.edit_space = self.add(npyscreen.MultiLineEdit, value=self.config_val)
[docs] def change_screens(self): """ Change to the next tool to edit or back to MAIN form """ if self.settings['next_tool']: self.parentApp.change_form(self.settings['next_tool']) else: self.parentApp.change_form("MAIN")
[docs] @staticmethod def valid_input(val): """ Ensure the input the user gave is of a valid format """ # looks for 3 nums followed by a dot 3 times and then ending with # 3 nums, can be proceeded by any number of spaces ip_value = re.compile(r'(\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3}$') # looks for only numbers and commas (because priorities can have commas # between them), can be proceeded by any number of spaces all_num = re.compile(r'(\d,?\ *)+$') sections_comments = re.compile(r""" \ *\#.* # comments (any number of whitespace, then # # followed by anything) | \[[\w-]+\]$ # section headers (any combination of chars, nums, # underscores, and dashes between brackets) """, re.VERBOSE) # can't can be a comment on option side and value side can't have # [, ], {, or } otherwise it is turned over to literal_eval for # checkout options_values = re.compile(r"[^# ]+\ *=[^[\]{}]*$") line_num = 0 warning_str = '' error_str = '' trimmed_val = [] for entry in val.split('\n'): line_num += 1 # get rid of any extraneous commas at the end of a dict and remove # extra whitespace from input trimmed_val.append(re.sub(r',\ *}', '}', entry).strip()) # empty line if entry.strip() == '': continue # look at regular (non dictionary or list) option-value pairs if options_values.match(entry): value = entry.split('=', 1)[1] # deal with potentially more equals signs for val in value.split('='): val = val.strip() # empty val means malformed equals signs if val == '': error_str += '-You have a misplaced equals sign on' \ ' line ' + str(line_num) + '\n' # starts with a num; look for bad ip input or warn user # about having extraneous characters in number input if re.match('\ *\d', val): # bad ip syntax if val.find('.') >= 0 and not ip_value.match(val): error_str += '-You have an incorrectly' \ ' formatted ip address (bad syntax) at' \ ' line ' + str(line_num) + '\n' # possibly malformed numbers elif val.find('.') < 0 and not all_num.match(val): warning_str += '-Line starting with a number has' \ ' characters mixed in at line ' + \ str(line_num) + '\n' # bad ip values elif val.find('.') >= 0: for num in val.strip().split('.'): num = int(num) if num > 255 or num < 0: error_str += '-You have an incorrectly' \ ' formatted ip address (values' \ ' exceeding 255 or below 0) at' \ ' line ' + str(line_num) + '\n' # ensure no lines end with a comma (most likely extraneous # commas from groups or priorities) if',$', val): error_str += '-You have an incorrect comma at the' \ ' end of line ' + str(line_num) + '\n' # see if input is a header or comment, otherwise try to # literal_eval it to ensure correct structure elif not sections_comments.match(entry): lit_val = '' try: opt_val = entry.split('=', 1) if opt_val[0].strip() == '': error_str += '-You have nothing preceeding an' \ ' equals sign at line ' + str(line_num) + '\n' else: lit_val = opt_val[1].strip() except IndexError: lit_val = '' error_str += '-You have an incorrectly formatted' \ ' section header at line ' + str(line_num) + '\n' if lit_val: try: ast.literal_eval(lit_val) except SyntaxError: error_str += '-You have an incorrectly formatted' \ ' list/dictionary at line ' + str(line_num) + \ '\n' if error_str: npyscreen.notify_confirm("You have the following error(s) and" " can't proceed until they are fixed:" + "\n" + "-"*50 + "\n" + error_str, title="Error in input") return (False, '') elif warning_str: res = npyscreen.notify_yes_no("You have may have some error(s)" " that you want to check before" " proceeding:" + "\n" + "-"*50 + "\n" + warning_str + "\n" + "-"*50 + "\n" + "Do you want to continue?", title="Double check") return (res, '\n'.join(trimmed_val)) return (True, '\n'.join(trimmed_val))
[docs] def on_ok(self): """ Save changes made to vent.template """ # ensure user didn't have any syntactical errors input_is_good, trimmed_input = self.valid_input(self.edit_space.value) if not input_is_good: return self.edit_space.value = trimmed_input # get the number of instances and ensure user didn't malform that if"instances\ *=", self.edit_space.value): try: # split out spaces instances_val = re.split(r"instances\ *=\ *", self.edit_space.value)[1] instances_val = instances_val.split('\n')[0] new_instances = int(re.match(r"\d+$", instances_val).group()) except AttributeError: npyscreen.notify_confirm("You didn't specify a valid number" " for instances.", title="Invalid" " instance number") return # user can't change instances when configuring new instnaces if (self.instance_cfg and self.settings['new_instances'] != new_instances): npyscreen.notify_confirm("You can't change the number of" " instnaces while configuring new" " instances!", title="Illegal change") return # get old number of instances try: if 'old_instances' in self.settings: old_instances = self.settings['old_instances'] else: settings_dict = json.loads( self.manifest.option(self.section, 'settings')[1]) old_instances = int(settings_dict['instances']) except Exception: old_instances = 1 else: new_instances = 1 old_instances = 1 # save changes and update manifest we're looking at with changes if self.vent_cfg: save_args = {'main_cfg': True, 'config_val': self.edit_space.value} self.manifest = self.settings['save_configure'](**save_args)[1] else: save_args = copy.deepcopy(self.tool_identifier) save_args.update({'config_val': self.edit_space.value}) if self.registry_tool: save_args.update({'from_registry': True}) if self.instance_cfg: save_args.update({'instances': new_instances}) self.manifest = self.settings['save_configure'](**save_args)[1] # restart tools, if necessary if not self.just_downloaded and not self.instance_cfg: restart_kargs = {'main_cfg': self.vent_cfg, 'old_val': self.config_val, 'new_val': self.edit_space.value} if self.vent_cfg: wait_str = "Restarting tools affected by changes..." else: wait_str = "Restarting this tool with new settings..." restart_kargs.update(self.tool_identifier) npyscreen.notify_wait(wait_str, title="Restarting with changes") self.settings['restart_tools'](**restart_kargs) # start new instances if user wanted to if self.instance_cfg and self.settings['start_new']: npyscreen.notify_wait("Starting new instances...", title="Start") tool_d = {} for i in range(self.settings['old_instances'] + 1, self.settings['new_instances'] + 1): # create section by scrubbing instance number out of names # and adding new instance number i_section = self.section.rsplit(':', 2) i_section[0] = re.sub(r'[0-9]', '', i_section[0]) + str(i) i_section = ':'.join(i_section) t_name = self.manifest.option(i_section, 'name')[1] t_branch = self.manifest.option(i_section, 'branch')[1] t_version = self.manifest.option(i_section, 'version')[1] t_id = {'name': t_name, 'branch': t_branch, 'version': t_version} tool_d.update(self.settings['prep_start'](**t_id)[1]) if tool_d: self.settings['start_tools'](tool_d) # prompt user for instance changes, as necessary if not self.instance_cfg and not self.vent_cfg: if new_instances > old_instances: try: diff = str(new_instances - old_instances) res = npyscreen.notify_yes_no("You will be creating " + diff + " additional" " instance(s) is that okay?", title="Confirm new" " instance(s)") if res: if self.manifest.option(self.section, 'built')[1] == 'yes': run = npyscreen.notify_yes_no("Do you want to" " start these new" " tools upon" " creation?", title="Run new" " instance(s)") else: run = False # get clean name (no instance numbers in it) new_name = self.settings['tool_name'] new_name = re.sub(r'[0-9]+$', '', new_name) self.settings['tool_name'] = new_name npyscreen.notify_wait("Pulling up default settings" " for " + self.settings['tool_name'] + "...", title="Gathering settings") self.p_helper.clone(self.settings['repo']) self.settings['new_instances'] = new_instances self.settings['old_instances'] = old_instances self.settings['start_new'] = run self.settings['new_instance'] = True self.settings['name'] = "Configure new instance(s)" + \ " for " + self.settings['tool_name'] self.parentApp.addForm('INSTANCEEDITOR' + self.settings['tool_name'], EditorForm, **self.settings) self.parentApp.change_form('INSTANCEEDITOR' + self.settings['tool_name']) else: return except Exception: npyscreen.notify_confirm("Trouble finding tools to add," " exiting", title="Error") self.on_cancel() elif new_instances < old_instances: try: diff = str(old_instances - new_instances) res = npyscreen.notify_yes_no("You will be deleting " + diff + " instance(s), is" " that okay?", title="Confirm delete" " instance(s)") if res: form_name = 'Delete instances for ' + \ re.sub(r'\d+$', '', self.settings['tool_name']) + '\t'*8 + \ '^E to exit configuration process' clean_section = self.section.rsplit(':', 2) clean_section[0] = re.sub(r'\d+$', '', clean_section[0]) clean_section = ':'.join(clean_section) d_args = {'name': form_name, 'new_instances': new_instances, 'old_instances': old_instances, 'next_tool': self.settings['next_tool'], 'manifest': self.manifest, 'section': clean_section, 'clean': self.settings['clean'], 'prep_start': self.settings['prep_start'], 'start_tools': self.settings['start_tools']} self.parentApp.addForm('DELETER' + self.settings['tool_name'], DeleteForm, **d_args) self.parentApp.change_form('DELETER' + self.settings['tool_name']) except Exception: npyscreen.notify_confirm("Trouble finding instances to" " delete, exiting", title="Error") self.on_cancel() if (new_instances == old_instances or self.instance_cfg or self.vent_cfg): npyscreen.notify_confirm("Done configuring " + self.settings['tool_name'], title="Configurations saved") self.change_screens()
[docs] def on_cancel(self): """ Don't save changes made to vent.template """ npyscreen.notify_confirm("No changes made to " + self.settings['tool_name'], title="Configurations not saved") self.change_screens()