Source code for vent.api.actions

import Queue

import ast
import docker
import json
import os
import re
import shutil
import tempfile
import urllib2
import yaml

from vent.api.plugins import Plugin
from vent.api.templates import Template
from vent.helpers.logs import Logger
from vent.helpers.meta import Containers
from vent.helpers.meta import Dependencies
from vent.helpers.meta import Images
from vent.helpers.meta import ParsedSections
from vent.helpers.meta import Timestamp
from vent.helpers.paths import PathDirs

[docs]class Action: """ Handle actions in menu """ def __init__(self, **kargs): self.plugin = Plugin(**kargs) self.d_client = self.plugin.d_client self.vent_config = self.plugin.path_dirs.cfg_file self.startup_file = self.plugin.path_dirs.startup_file self.p_helper = self.plugin.p_helper self.queue = Queue.Queue() self.logger = Logger(__name__)
[docs] def add(self, repo, tools=None, overrides=None, version="HEAD", branch="master", build=True, user=None, pw=None, groups=None, version_alias=None, wild=None, remove_old=True, disable_old=True): """ Add a new set of tool(s) """"Starting: add") status = (True, None) try: # remove tools that are already installed from being added if isinstance(tools, list): i = len(tools) - 1 while i >= 0: tool = tools[i] if tool[0].find('@') >= 0: tool_name = tool[0].split('@')[-1] else: tool_name = tool[0].rsplit('/', 1)[-1] constraints = {'name': tool_name, 'repo': repo.split('.git')[0]} prev_installed, _ = self.p_helper. \ constraint_options(constraints, []) # don't reinstall if prev_installed: tools.remove(tool) i -= 1 if tools is None or len(tools) > 0: is_core = repo == '' status = self.plugin.add(repo, tools=tools, overrides=overrides, version=version, branch=branch, build=build, user=user, pw=pw, groups=groups, version_alias=version_alias, wild=wild, remove_old=remove_old, disable_old=disable_old, core=is_core) else:"no new tools to add, exiting") status = (True, "previously installed") except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover self.logger.error("add failed with error: " + str(e)) status = (False, str(e))"Status of add: " + str(status[0]))"Finished: add") return status
[docs] def add_image(self, image, link_name, tag=None, registry=None, groups=None): """ Add a new image from a Docker registry """"Starting: add image") status = (True, None) try: status = self.plugin.add_image(image, link_name, tag=tag, registry=registry, groups=groups) except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover self.logger.error("add image failed with error: " + str(e)) status = (False, str(e))"Status of add image: " + str(status[0]))"Finished: add image") return status
[docs] def remove(self, repo=None, namespace=None, name=None, groups=None, enabled="yes", branch="master", version="HEAD", built="yes"): """ Remove tools or a repo """"Starting: remove") status = (True, None) try: # don't want to include groups because constrained_sections will # return everything that matches that group, possibly removing # things we don't want to remove if groups: groups = None status = self.plugin.remove(name=name, repo=repo, namespace=namespace, groups=groups, enabled=enabled, branch=branch, version=version, built=built) # remove any dependant/child of the current container child_name = str(name) + '_child' for container in self.d_client.containers.list(): if child_name in container.attrs['Config']['Labels']\ ['vent.groups']: container.remove(force=True) except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover self.logger.error("remove failed with error: " + str(e)) status = (False, e)"Status of remove: " + str(status[0]))"Finished: remove") return status
[docs] def prep_start(self, repo=None, name=None, groups=None, enabled="yes", branch="master", version="HEAD"): """ Prep a bunch of containers to be started to they can be ordered """ args = locals() del args['self']"Starting: prep_start") status = self.p_helper.prep_start(**args)"Status of prep_start: " + str(status[0]))"Finished: prep_start") return status
[docs] def start(self, tool_d): """ Start a set of tools that match the parameters given, if no parameters are given, start all installed tools on the master branch at verison HEAD that are enabled """"Starting: start") status = (True, None) try: # check start priorities (priority of groups alphabetical for now) group_orders = {} groups = [] containers_remaining = [] for container in tool_d: containers_remaining.append(container) if 'labels' in tool_d[container]: if 'vent.groups' in tool_d[container]['labels']: groups += tool_d[container]['labels']['vent.groups'].split(',') if 'vent.priority' in tool_d[container]['labels']: priorities = tool_d[container]['labels']['vent.priority'].split(',') container_groups = tool_d[container]['labels']['vent.groups'].split(',') for i, priority in enumerate(priorities): if container_groups[i] not in group_orders: group_orders[container_groups[i]] = [] group_orders[container_groups[i]].append((int(priority), container)) containers_remaining.remove(container)"group orders: " + str(group_orders))"containers remaining: " + str(containers_remaining)) # start containers based on priorities p_results = self.p_helper.start_priority_containers(groups, group_orders, tool_d) # start the rest of the containers that didn't have any priorities r_results = self.p_helper.start_remaining_containers(containers_remaining, tool_d) results = (p_results[0] + r_results[0], p_results[1] + r_results[1]) if len(results[1]) > 0: status = (False, results) else: status = (True, results) except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover self.logger.error("start failed with error: " + str(e)) status = (False, str(e))"Status of start: " + str(status[0]))"Finished: start") self.queue.put(status) return status
[docs] def update(self, repo=None, name=None, groups=None, enabled="yes", branch="master", version="HEAD", new_version="HEAD"): """ Update a set of tools that match the parameters given, if no parameters are given, updated all installed tools on the master branch at verison HEAD that are enabled """ args = locals() del args['new_version']"Starting: update") status = (True, None) try: options = ['path', 'image_name', 'image_id', 'running', 'multi_tool', 'name', 'link_name'] s, template = self.p_helper.constraint_options(args, options) # get existing containers and images and states running_containers = Containers() built_images = Images()"running docker containers: " + str(running_containers))"built docker images: " + str(built_images)) # if repo, pull and build # if registry image, pull for section in s: try: cwd = os.getcwd()"current working directory: " + str(cwd)) os.chdir(s[section]['path']) c_status = self.p_helper.checkout(branch=branch, version=new_version) os.chdir(cwd) self.plugin.builder(template, s[section]['path'], s[section]['image_name'], section, build=True, branch=branch, version=new_version) # exit if no changes were made if (template.option(section, 'image_id')[1] == s[section]['image_id']):"No changes made through update")"Status of update: True")"Finished: update") return (True, "no changes made") # update any new vent.template settings that may have been set vent_template_path = s[section]['path'] if s[section]['multi_tool'] == 'yes': name = s[section]['name'] if name == 'unspecified': name = 'vent' vent_template_path = os.path.join(vent_template_path, name+'.template') else: vent_template_path = os.path.join(vent_template_path, 'vent.template') if os.path.exists(vent_template_path): vent_template = Template(vent_template_path) for setting in vent_template.sections()[1]: # perserve customizations prev_dict = template.option(section, setting) if prev_dict[0]: prev_dict = json.loads(prev_dict[1]) else: prev_dict = {}'old settings for option ' + setting + ' are: ' + str(prev_dict)) opt_vals = vent_template.section(setting)[1]'new settings:') for opt_val in opt_vals: name = opt_val[0] val = opt_val[1] if name == 'name': name = 'link_name' + ' = ' + val) # set groups and link_name individually if name in ['link_name', 'groups']: template.set_option(section, name, val) if name not in prev_dict: prev_dict.update({name: val}) # check to see if a list variable has been updated elif prev_dict[name] != val: prev_dict.update({name: val}) template.set_option(section, setting, json.dumps(prev_dict)) # reset containers that may be affected by changes, # including dependencies tool_d = {} if (s[section]['running'] == 'yes'): # find dependencies that will need to be restarted # once this tool is reset prev_dependencies = [] for t_sect in template.sections()[1]:"Testing check tool: " + t_sect) t_name = template.option(t_sect, 'name')[1] t_branch = template.option(t_sect, 'branch')[1] t_version = template.option(t_sect, 'version')[1] + ', ' + t_branch + ', ' + t_version) t_identifier = {'name': t_name, 'branch': t_branch, 'version': t_version} # don't worry about dealing with tool if it's not # running running = template.option(t_sect, 'running') if (not running[0] or running[1] != 'yes' or t_name == s[section]['name']):"tool not dependency," + " skipping to next") continue options = template.options(t_sect)[1] if 'docker' in options: d_settings = json.loads(template.option(t_sect, 'docker')[1]) if 'links' in d_settings: for link in json.loads(d_settings['links']): if link == s[section]['link_name']: prev_dependencies.append(t_identifier) # remove old containers, start new"running tools to be restarted: " + str(prev_dependencies)) for tool in prev_dependencies: self.clean(**tool) tool_d.update(self.prep_start(**tool)[1]) # clean tool before new manifest entry to get rid of # old tool self.clean(name=s[section]['name'], branch=branch, version=version) # finish writing new manifest entry, including creating new # section name and deleting old image template.set_option(section, 'version', new_version) template.set_option(section, 'running', s[section]['running']) old_image = template.option(section, 'image_name')[1]"Testing old.... " + old_image) new_image = old_image.rsplit(':', 1)[0]+':'+new_version template.set_option(section, 'image_name', new_image) # create new section new_section = section.rsplit(':', 1)[0]+':'+new_version template.add_section(new_section) old_section = template.section(section)[1] for val in old_section: template.set_option(new_section, val[0], val[1]) # remove old section and image self.d_client.images.remove(old_image, force=True) template.del_section(section) template.write_config() # now we can start new tool with correct info in manifest tool_d.update(self.prep_start(name=s[section]['name'], branch=branch, version=new_version)[1]) self.start(tool_d) except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover self.logger.error("unable to update: " + str(section) + " because: " + str(e)) except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover self.logger.error("update failed with error: " + str(e)) status = (False, e)"Status of update: " + str(status[0]))"Finished: update") return status
[docs] def stop(self, repo=None, name=None, groups=None, enabled="yes", branch="master", version="HEAD"): """ Stop a set of tools that match the parameters given, if no parameters are given, stop all installed tools on the master branch at verison HEAD that are enabled """ args = locals()"Starting: stop") status = (True, None) try: # !! TODO need to account for plugin containers that have random # names, use labels perhaps options = ['name', 'namespace', 'built', 'groups', 'path', 'image_name', 'branch', 'version'] s, _ = self.p_helper.constraint_options(args, options) for section in s: container_name = s[section]['image_name'].replace(':', '-') container_name = container_name.replace('/', '-') try: container = self.d_client.containers.get(container_name) container.stop()"stopped " + str(container_name)) except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover self.logger.error("failed to stop " + str(container_name) + " because: " + str(e)) except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover self.logger.error("stop failed with error: " + str(e)) status = (False, e)"Status of stop: " + str(status[0]))"Finished: stop") return status
[docs] def clean(self, repo=None, name=None, groups=None, enabled="yes", branch="master", version="HEAD"): """ Clean (stop and remove) a set of tools that match the parameters given, if no parameters are given, clean all installed tools on the master branch at verison HEAD that are enabled """ args = locals()"Starting: clean") status = (True, None) try: # !! TODO need to account for plugin containers that have random # names, use labels perhaps options = ['name', 'namespace', 'built', 'groups', 'path', 'image_name', 'branch', 'version'] s, manifest = self.p_helper.constraint_options(args, options) for section in s: container_name = s[section]['image_name'].replace(':', '-') container_name = container_name.replace('/', '-') instance_num ='\d+$', s[section]['name']) if instance_num: container_name += try: container = self.d_client.containers.get(container_name) container.remove(force=True) manifest.set_option(section, 'running', 'no')"cleaned " + str(container_name)) except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover self.logger.error("failed to clean " + str(container_name) + " because: " + str(e)) manifest.write_config() except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover self.logger.error("clean failed with error: " + str(e)) status = (False, e)"Status of clean: " + str(status[0]))"Finished: clean") return status
[docs] def build(self, repo=None, name=None, groups=None, enabled="yes", branch="master", version="HEAD"): """ Build a set of tools that match the parameters given """ args = locals()"Starting: build") status = (True, None) try: options = ['image_name', 'path'] s, template = self.p_helper.constraint_options(args, options) for section in s:"Building " + str(section) + " ...") template = self.plugin.builder(template, s[section]['path'], s[section]['image_name'], section, build=True, branch=branch, version=version) if len(s) > 0: template.write_config() except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover self.logger.error("build failed with error: " + str(e)) status = (False, e)"Status of build: " + str(status[0]))"Finished: build") return status
[docs] def backup(self): """ Saves the configuration information of the current running vent instance to be used for restoring at a later time """"Starting: backup") status = (True, None) # initialize all needed variables (names for backup files, etc.) backup_name = ('.vent-backup-' + '-'.join(Timestamp().split(' '))) backup_dir = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), backup_name) backup_manifest = os.path.join(backup_dir, 'backup_manifest.cfg') backup_vcfg = os.path.join(backup_dir, 'backup_vcfg.cfg') manifest = self.p_helper.manifest # create new backup directory try: os.mkdir(backup_dir) except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover self.logger.error(str(e)) return (False, str(e)) # create new files in backup directory try: # backup manifest with open(backup_manifest, 'w') as bmanifest: with open(manifest) as manifest_file: bmanifest.write( # backup vent.cfg with open(backup_vcfg, 'w') as bvcfg: with open(self.vent_config) as vcfg_file: bvcfg.write("Backup information written to " + backup_dir) status = (True, backup_dir) except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover self.logger.error("Couldn't backup vent: " + str(e)) status = (False, str(e))"Status of backup: " + str(status[0]))"Finished: backup") return status
[docs] def restore(self, backup_dir): """ Restores a vent configuration from a previously backed up version """"Starting: restore")"Directory given: " + backup_dir) status = (True, None) # initialize needed variables added_str = '' failed_str = '' template_options = ['service', 'settings', 'docker', 'info', 'gpu'] backup_dir = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), backup_dir) if os.path.exists(backup_dir): # restore backed up manifest file backup_manifest = os.path.join(backup_dir, 'backup_manifest.cfg') bmanifest = Template(backup_manifest) tools = bmanifest.sections()[1] for tool in tools: constraints = {} options = bmanifest.options(tool)[1] for vals in bmanifest.section(tool)[1]: constraints[vals[0]] = vals[1] backedup_tool = bmanifest.constrained_sections(constraints, options) t_info = backedup_tool[tool] if t_info['type'] == 'repository': # for purposes of the add method (only adding a sepcific # tool each time, and the add method expects a tuple with # relative path to tool for that) rel_path = t_info['path'].split(t_info['namespace'])[-1] t_tuple = (rel_path, '') if t_info['built'] == 'yes': build = True else: build = False if 'groups' in t_info and 'core' in t_info['groups']: core = True else: core = False add_kargs = {'tools': [t_tuple], 'branch': t_info['branch'], 'version': t_info['version'], 'build': build, 'core': core} try: self.plugin.add(t_info['repo'], **add_kargs) # update manifest with customizations new_manifest = Template(self.plugin.manifest) for option in template_options: if option in t_info: new_manifest.set_option(tool, option, t_info[option]) new_manifest.write_config() added_str += 'Restored: ' + t_info['name'] + '\n' except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover self.logger.error("Problem restoring tool " + t_info['name'] + " because " + str(e)) failed_str += 'Failed: ' + t_info['name'] + '\n' elif t_info['type'] == 'registry': add_kargs = {'image': t_info['pull_name'], 'link_name': t_info['link_name'], 'tag': t_info['version'], 'registry': t_info['repo'].split('/')[0], 'groups': t_info['groups']} try: self.add_image(**add_kargs) # update manifest with customizations new_manifest = Template(self.plugin.manifest) for option in template_options: if option in t_info: new_manifest.set_option(tool, option, t_info[option]) new_manifest.write_config() added_str += 'Restored: ' + t_info['name'] + '\n' except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover self.logger.error("Problem restoring tool " + t_info['name'] + " because " + str(e)) failed_str += 'Failed: ' + t_info['name'] + '\n' # restore backed up vent.cfg file backup_vcfg = os.path.join(backup_dir, 'backup_vcfg.cfg') bvcfg = Template(backup_vcfg) try: vcfg_template = Template(self.vent_config) for section in bvcfg.sections()[1]: for vals in bvcfg.section(section)[1]: # add section to new template in case it doesn't exist try: vcfg_template.add_section(section) except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover # okay if error because of already existing self.logger.error("Failed adding section " + str(e)) vcfg_template.set_option(vals[0], vals[1]) vcfg_template.write_config() added_str += 'Restored: vent configuration file' except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover self.logger.error("Couldn't restore vent.cfg" "because: " + str(e)) failed_str += 'Failed: vent configuration file' else: status = (False, "No backup directory found at specified path") if status[0]: status = (True, failed_str + added_str)"Status of restore: " + str(status[0]))"Finished: restore") return status
[docs] @staticmethod def configure(): # TODO # tools, core, etc. return
[docs] @staticmethod def upgrade(): # TODO return
[docs] def reset(self): """ Factory reset all of Vent's user data, containers, and images """ status = (True, None) error_message = '' # remove containers try: c_list = set(self.d_client.containers.list( filters={'label': 'vent'}, all=True)) for c in c_list: c.remove(force=True) except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover error_message += "Error removing Vent containers: " + str(e) + "\n" # remove images try: i_list = set(self.d_client.images.list(filters={'label': 'vent'}, all=True)) for i in i_list: # delete tagged images only because they are the parents for # the untagged images. Remove the parents and the children get # removed automatically if i.attrs['RepoTags']: self.d_client.images.remove(, force=True) except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover error_message += "Error deleting Vent images: " + str(e) + "\n" # remove .vent folder try: cwd = os.getcwd() if cwd.startswith(os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), '.vent')): os.chdir(os.path.expanduser('~')) shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), '.vent')) except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover error_message += "Error deleting Vent data: " + str(e) + "\n" if error_message: status = (False, error_message) return status
[docs] def logs(self, c_type=None, grep_list=None): """ Generically filter logs stored in log containers """ def get_logs(logs, log_entries): try: for log in logs: if str( in log_entries: log_entries[str(].append(log) else: log_entries[str(] = [log] except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover self.logger.error("Unable to get logs for " + str( + " because: " + str(e)) return log_entries"Starting: logs") status = (True, None) log_entries = {} containers = self.d_client.containers.list(all=True, filters={'label': 'vent'})"containers found: " + str(containers)) comp_c = containers if c_type: try: comp_c = [c for c in containers if (c_type in c.attrs['Config']['Labels']['vent.groups'])] except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover self.logger.error("Unable to limit containers by: " + str(c_type) + " because: " + str(e)) if grep_list: for expression in grep_list: for container in comp_c: try: # 'logs' stores each line containing the expression logs = [log for log in container.logs().split("\n") if expression in log] log_entries = get_logs(logs, log_entries) except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover"Unable to get logs for " + str(container) + " because: " + str(e)) else: for container in comp_c: try: logs = container.logs().split("\n") log_entries = get_logs(logs, log_entries) except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover"Unabled to get logs for " + str(container) + " because: " + str(e)) status = (True, log_entries)"Status of logs: " + str(status[0]))"Finished: logs") return status
[docs] @staticmethod def help(): # TODO return
[docs] def inventory(self, choices=None): """ Return a dictionary of the inventory items and status """"Starting: inventory") status = (True, None)"choices specified: " + str(choices)) if not choices: return (False, "No choices made") try: # choices: repos, core, tools, images, built, running, enabled items = {'repos': [], 'core': {}, 'tools': {}, 'images': {}, 'built': {}, 'running': {}, 'enabled': {}} tools = self.plugin.list_tools()"found tools: " + str(tools)) for choice in choices: for tool in tools: try: if choice == 'repos': if 'repo' in tool: if (tool['repo'] and tool['repo'] not in items[choice]): items[choice].append(tool['repo']) elif choice == 'core': if 'groups' in tool and 'core' in tool['groups']: items[choice][tool['section']] = tool['name'] elif choice == 'tools': if (('groups' in tool and 'core' not in tool['groups']) or 'groups' not in tool): items[choice][tool['section']] = tool['name'] elif choice == 'images': # TODO also check against docker items[choice][tool['section']] = tool['image_name'] elif choice == 'built': items[choice][tool['section']] = tool['built'] elif choice == 'running': containers = Containers() status = 'not running' for container in containers: image_name = tool['image_name'] \ .rsplit(":" + tool['version'], 1)[0] image_name = image_name.replace(':', '-') image_name = image_name.replace('/', '-')"image_name: " + image_name) if container[0] == image_name: status = container[1] # cores need to not have version, plugins need # to have version in order to match elif container[0] == image_name + \ '-' + tool['version']: status = container[1] items[choice][tool['section']] = status elif choice == 'enabled': items[choice][tool['section']] = tool['enabled'] else: # unknown choice pass except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover self.logger.error("unable to grab info about tool: " + str(tool) + " because: " + str(e)) status = (True, items) except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover self.logger.error("inventory failed with error: " + str(e)) status = (False, str(e))"Status of inventory: " + str(status[0]))"Finished: inventory") return status
[docs] def get_configure(self, repo=None, name=None, groups=None, enabled="yes", branch="master", version="HEAD", main_cfg=False): """ Get the vent.template settings for a given tool by looking at the plugin_manifest """"Starting: get_configure") constraints = locals() del constraints['main_cfg'] status = (True, None) template_dict = {} return_str = "" if main_cfg: vent_cfg = Template(self.vent_config) for section in vent_cfg.sections()[1]: template_dict[section] = {} for vals in vent_cfg.section(section)[1]: template_dict[section][vals[0]] = vals[1] else: # all possible vent.template options stored in plugin_manifest options = ['info', 'service', 'settings', 'docker', 'gpu'] tools = self.p_helper.constraint_options(constraints, options)[0] if tools: # should only be one tool tool = tools.keys()[0] # load all vent.template options into dict for section in tools[tool]: template_dict[section] = json.loads(tools[tool][section]) else: status = (False, "Couldn't get vent.template information") if status[0]: # display all those options as they would in the file for section in template_dict: return_str += "[" + section + "]\n" # ensure instances shows up in configuration for option in template_dict[section]: if option.startswith('#'): return_str += option + "\n" else: return_str += option + " = " return_str += template_dict[section][option] + "\n" return_str += "\n" # only one newline at end of file status = (True, return_str[:-1])"Status of get_configure: " + str(status[0]))"Finished: get_configure") return status
[docs] def save_configure(self, repo=None, name=None, groups=None, enabled="yes", branch="master", version="HEAD", config_val="", from_registry=False, main_cfg=False, instances=1): """ Save changes made to vent.template through npyscreen to the template and to plugin_manifest """ def template_to_manifest(vent_template, manifest, tool, instances): """ Helper function to transfer information from vent.template to plugin_manifest """ sections = vent_template.sections() if sections[0]: for section in sections[1]: section_dict = {} if section == 'settings': section_dict.update({'instances': str(instances)}) options = vent_template.options(section) if options[0]: for option in options[1]: option_name = option if option == 'name': option_name = 'link_name' opt_val = vent_template.option(section, option)[1] section_dict[option_name] = opt_val if section_dict: manifest.set_option(tool, section, json.dumps(section_dict)) elif manifest.option(tool, section)[0]: manifest.del_option(tool, section)"Starting: save_configure") constraints = locals() del constraints['config_val'] del constraints['from_registry'] del constraints['main_cfg'] del constraints['instances'] del constraints['template_to_manifest'] status = (True, None) fd = None # ensure instances is an int and remove instances from config_val to # ensure correct info instances = int(instances) config_val = re.sub(r'instances\ *=\ *\d+\n', '', config_val) if not main_cfg: if not from_registry: # creating new instances if instances > 1: fd, template_path = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.template') # scrub name for clean section name if'\d+$', name): name = re.sub(r'\d+$', '', name) t_identifier = {'name': name, 'branch': branch, 'version': version} result = self.p_helper.constraint_options(t_identifier, []) tools = result[0] manifest = result[1] tool = tools.keys()[0] else: options = ['path', 'multi_tool', 'name'] tools, manifest = self.p_helper. \ constraint_options(constraints, options) # only one tool in tools because perform this function for # every tool if tools: tool = tools.keys()[0] if ('multi_tool' in tools[tool] and tools[tool]['multi_tool'] == 'yes'): name = tools[tool]['name'] if name == 'unspecified': name = 'vent' template_path = os.path.join(tools[tool]['path'], name+'.template') else: template_path = os.path.join(tools[tool]['path'], 'vent.template') else: status = (False, "Couldn't save configuration") else: fd, template_path = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.template') options = ['namespace'] constraints.update({'type': 'registry'}) del constraints['branch'] tools, manifest = self.p_helper.constraint_options(constraints, options) if tools: tool = tools.keys()[0] else: status = (False, "Couldn't save configuration") if status[0]: try: # save in vent.template with open(template_path, 'w') as f: f.write(config_val) # save in plugin_manifest vent_template = Template(template_path) if instances > 1: # add instances as needed for i in range(1, instances + 1): i_section = tool.rsplit(':', 2) i_section[0] += str(i) if i != 1 else '' i_section = ':'.join(i_section) if not manifest.section(i_section)[0]: manifest.add_section(i_section) for val_pair in manifest.section(tool)[1]: name = val_pair[0] val = val_pair[1] if name == 'name': val += str(i) elif name == 'last_updated': val = Timestamp() elif name == 'running': val = 'no' manifest.set_option(i_section, name, val) template_to_manifest(vent_template, manifest, i_section, instances) else: settings = manifest.option(i_section, 'settings') if settings[0]: settings_dict = json.loads(settings[1]) settings_dict['instances'] = str(instances) manifest.set_option(i_section, 'settings', json.dumps( settings_dict)) else: inst = str(instances) settings_dict = {'instances': inst} manifest.set_option(i_section, 'settings', json.dumps( settings_dict)) else: try: settings_str = manifest.option(tool, 'settings')[1] settings_dict = json.loads(settings_str) old_instances = int(settings_dict['instances']) except Exception: old_instances = 1 template_to_manifest(vent_template, manifest, tool, old_instances) manifest.write_config() status = (True, manifest) except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover self.logger.error("save_configure error: " + str(e)) status = (False, str(e)) # close os file handle and remove temp file if from_registry or instances > 1: try: os.close(fd) os.remove(template_path) except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover self.logger.error("save_configure error: " + str(e)) else: with open(self.vent_config, 'w') as f: f.write(config_val)"Status of save_configure: " + str(status[0]))"Finished: save_configure") return status
[docs] def restart_tools(self, repo=None, name=None, groups=None, enabled="yes", branch="master", version="HEAD", main_cfg=False, old_val='', new_val=''): """ Restart necessary tools based on changes that have been made either to vent.cfg or to vent.template. This includes tools that need to be restarted because they depend on other tools that were changed. """"Starting: restart_tools") status = (True, None) if not main_cfg: try: t_identifier = {'name': name, 'branch': branch, 'version': version} result = self.p_helper.constraint_options(t_identifier, ['running', 'link_name']) tools = result[0] tool = tools.keys()[0] if ('running' in tools[tool] and tools[tool]['running'] == 'yes'): start_tools = [t_identifier] dependent_tools = [tools[tool]['link_name']] start_tools += Dependencies(dependent_tools) start_d = {} for tool_identifier in start_tools: self.clean(**tool_identifier) start_d.update(self.prep_start(**tool_identifier)[1]) if start_d: self.start(start_d) except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover self.logger.error('Trouble restarting tool ' + name + ' because: ' + str(e)) status = (False, str(e)) else: try: # string manipulation to get tools into arrays ext_start = old_val.find('[external-services]') if ext_start >= 0: ot_str = old_val[old_val.find('[external-services]') + 20:] else: ot_str = '' old_tools = [] for old_tool in ot_str.split('\n'): if old_tool != '': old_tools.append(old_tool.split('=')[0].strip()) ext_start = new_val.find('[external-services]') if ext_start >= 0: nt_str = new_val[new_val.find('[external-services]') + 20:] else: nt_str = '' new_tools = [] for new_tool in nt_str.split('\n'): if new_tool != '': new_tools.append(new_tool.split('=')[0].strip()) # find tools changed tool_changes = [] for old_tool in old_tools: if old_tool not in new_tools: tool_changes.append(old_tool) for new_tool in new_tools: if new_tool not in old_tools: tool_changes.append(new_tool) else: # tool name will be the same oconf = old_val[old_val.find(new_tool):].split('\n')[0] nconf = new_val[new_val.find(new_tool):].split('\n')[0] if oconf != nconf: tool_changes.append(new_tool) # put link names in a dictionary for finding dependencies dependent_tools = [] for i, entry in enumerate(tool_changes): dependent_tools.append(entry) # change names to lowercase for use in clean, prep_start tool_changes[i] = {'name': entry.lower().replace('-', '_')} dependencies = Dependencies(dependent_tools) # restart tools restart = tool_changes + dependencies tool_d = {} for tool in restart: self.clean(**tool) tool_d.update(self.prep_start(**tool)[1]) if tool_d: self.start(tool_d) except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover self.logger.error("Problem restarting tools: " + str(e)) status = (False, str(e))"restart_tools finished with status: " + str(status[0]))"Finished: restart_tools") return status
[docs] def disable(self, repo=None, name=None, groups=None, enabled="yes", branch="master", version="HEAD"): """ Take an enabled tool and disable it """"Starting: disable") constraints = locals() status = (True, None) try: tools, manifest = self.p_helper.constraint_options(constraints, []) for tool in tools: manifest.set_option(tool, 'enabled', 'no') manifest.write_config() tool_name = manifest.option(tool, 'name')[1]"Disabled tool: " + tool_name) except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover self.logger.error("Troubling disabling tool because: " + str(e)) status = (False, str(e))"Status of disable: " + str(status[0]))"Finished: disable") return status
[docs] def enable(self, repo=None, name=None, groups=None, enabled="no", branch="master", version="HEAD"): """ Take a disabled tool and enable it """"Starting: enable") constraints = locals() status = (True, None) try: tools, manifest = self.p_helper.constraint_options(constraints, []) for tool in tools: manifest.set_option(tool, 'enabled', 'yes') manifest.write_config() tool_name = manifest.option(tool, 'name')[1]"Enabled tool: " + tool_name) except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover self.logger.error("Troubling enabling tool because: " + str(e)) status = (False, str(e))"Status of enable: " + str(status[0]))"Finished: enable") return status
[docs] def startup(self): """ Automatically detect if a startup file is specified and stand up a vent host with all necessary tools based on the specifications in that file """"Starting: startup") status = (True, None) try: s_dict = {} if os.path.exists(self.startup_file): # rewrite the yml file to exclusively lowercase with open(self.startup_file, 'r') as startup: vent_startup = with open(self.startup_file, 'w') as startup: for line in vent_startup: startup.write(line.lower()) with open(self.startup_file, 'r') as startup: s_dict = yaml.safe_load( tool_d = {} extra_options = ['info', 'service', 'settings', 'docker', 'gpu'] for repo in s_dict: self.p_helper.clone(repo) repo_path, org, r_name = self.p_helper.get_path(repo) available_tools = self.p_helper.available_tools(repo_path) for tool in s_dict[repo]: # if we can't find the tool in that repo, skip over this # tool and notify in the logs t_path = PathDirs.rel_path(tool, available_tools) if not t_path: self.logger.error("Couldn't find tool " + tool + " in" " repo " + repo) continue # ensure no NoneType iteration errors if s_dict[repo][tool] is None: s_dict[repo][tool] = {} # check if we need to configure instances along the way instances = 1 if 'settings' in s_dict[repo][tool]: if 'instances' in s_dict[repo][tool]['settings']: instances = int(s_dict[repo][tool] ['settings']['instances']) # add the tool t_branch = 'master' t_version = 'HEAD' add_tools = None build_tool = False add_tools = [(t_path, '')] if 'branch' in s_dict[repo][tool]: t_branch = s_dict[repo][tool]['branch'] if 'version' in s_dict[repo][tool]: t_version = s_dict[repo][tool]['version'] if 'build' in s_dict[repo][tool]: build_tool = s_dict[repo][tool]['build'] self.add(repo, branch=t_branch, version=t_version, tools=add_tools, build=build_tool) manifest = Template(self.plugin.manifest) # update the manifest with extra defined runtime settings base_section = ':'.join([org, r_name, t_path, t_branch, t_version]) for option in extra_options: if option in s_dict[repo][tool]: opt_dict = manifest.option(base_section, option) # add new values defined into default options for # that tool, don't overwrite them if opt_dict[0]: opt_dict = json.loads(opt_dict[1]) else: opt_dict = {} # stringify values for vent for v in s_dict[repo][tool][option]: pval = s_dict[repo][tool][option][v] s_dict[repo][tool][option][v] = json.dumps( pval) opt_dict.update(s_dict[repo][tool][option]) manifest.set_option(base_section, option, json.dumps(opt_dict)) # copy manifest info into new sections if necessary if instances > 1: for i in range(2, instances + 1): i_section = base_section.rsplit(':', 2) i_section[0] += str(i) i_section = ':'.join(i_section) manifest.add_section(i_section) for opt_val in manifest.section(base_section)[1]: if opt_val[0] == 'name': manifest.set_option(i_section, opt_val[0], opt_val[1] + str(i)) else: manifest.set_option(i_section, opt_val[0], opt_val[1]) manifest.write_config() # start tools, if necessary for repo in s_dict: for tool in s_dict[repo]: if 'start' in s_dict[repo][tool]: if s_dict[repo][tool]['start']: for i in range(1, instances + 1): i_name = tool + str(i) if i != 1 else tool i_name = i_name.replace('@', '') tool_d.update(self.prep_start( name=i_name, branch=t_branch, version=t_version)[1]) if tool_d: self.start(tool_d) except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover self.logger.error("startup failed with error " + str(e)) status = (False, str(e))"startup finished with status " + str(status[0]))"Finished: startup") return status
[docs] def tool_status_checker(self, tool_name): """ Reads from the plugin manifest. Checks to see if: 1. plugin manifest exists 2. if the given tool is built 3. if the given tool is running Args: tool_name(str): tool name. Checks plugin manifest option `name` Returns: A tuple of success status, and a tuple containing: bool describing if plugin manifest exists, bool describing if tool is built, bool describing if tool is running. eg: (True, (True, True, False)) """ status = (True, None) try:"Start: tool_status_checker") manifest = Template(self.p_helper.manifest) for section in manifest.sections()[1]: if manifest.option(section, 'name')[1] == tool_name: status_tup = (True, manifest.option(section, 'built')[1], manifest.option(section, 'running')[1]) status = (True, status_tup) break except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover self.logger.error("Failed to check tool status: " + str(e)) status = (False, str(e))"Status of tool status: " + str(status[0]))"Finished: tool status") return status
[docs] def tool_status_output(self, tool_name): """ Function uses tool_status_checker to see tool status. Using that, it will return messages to output Args: tool_name(str): tool name Returns: A tuple of success status and a string to display """ status = (True, None) try:'Start: tool_status_output') output = '' tool_status = self.tool_status_checker(tool_name)[1] # this means plugin_manifest doesn't exist because tool_status isn't # a tuple but an error message. AKA template couldnt find plugin # manifest as it doesn't exist if not isinstance(tool_status, tuple): output = "Please install core tools" # this means the core tool isn't built elif tool_status[1] == 'no': output = "Please build core tool " + str(tool_name) # this means the core tool isn't running elif tool_status[2] == 'no': output = "Please start core tool " + str(tool_name) status = (True, output) except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover status = (False, e)"Error: " + str(e))"Status of tool_status_output: " + str(status[0]))"Finished: tool_status_output") return status
[docs] @staticmethod def post_request(url, json_data): """ Send a application/json post request to the given url Args: url(str): url to send the data to. Eg: json_data(dict): json obj with data that will be sent to specified url action(str): what is being done. Eg: 'starting a container' Returns: A tuple of success status and whatever the url is supposed to give after a POST request or a failure message """ try: # evaluate the data and dump it into something json likes data = ast.literal_eval(str(json_data)) data = json.dumps(data) # create the post request and send it off req = urllib2.Request(url, data) req.add_header('Content-Type', 'application/json') response = urllib2.urlopen(req, data) # return whatever the webpage returned return (True, except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover return (False, "failed post request to " + url + " " + ": " + str(e))
[docs] @staticmethod def get_request(url): """ Send a get request to the given url Args: url(str): url to send the data to. Eg: Returns: A tuple of success status and whatever the url is supposed to give after a GET request or a failure message """ try: response = urllib2.urlopen(url) return (True, except Exception as e: # pragma no cover return (False, "failed get request to " + url + " " + str(e))
[docs] @staticmethod def get_vent_tool_url(tool_name): """ Iterate through all containers and grab the port number corresponding to the given tool name. Works for only CORE tools since it specifically looks for core Args: tool_name(str): tool name to search for. Eg: network-tap Returns: A tuple of success status and the url corresponding to the given tool name or a failure mesage. An example return url is Works well with send_request and get_request. """ try: d = docker.from_env() containers = d.containers.list(filters={'label': 'vent'}, all=True) except Exception as e: # pragma no cover return (False, "docker failed with error " + str(e)) url = '' found = False for c in containers: if tool_name in c.attrs['Name'] and \ 'core' in c.attrs['Config']['Labels']['vent.groups']: # get a dictionary of ports url = c.attrs['NetworkSettings']['Ports'] # iterate through the dict to avoid hard coding anything # is it safe to assume only 1 entry in the dict will exist? for port in url: h_port = url[port][0]['HostPort'] h_ip = url[port][0]['HostIp'] url = "http://" + str(h_ip) + ":" + str(h_port) found = True break # no need to cycle every single container if we found our ports if found: break return (True, str(url))