Source code for

[docs]def gpu_queue(options): """ Queued up containers waiting for GPU resources """ import docker import json import os import time from vent.helpers.meta import GpuUsage status = (False, None) path_dir = "/vent" print("gpu queue", str(options)) print("gpu queue", str(GpuUsage(base_dir=path_dir+"/", meta_dir=path_dir))) options = json.loads(options) configs = options['configs'] gpu_options = configs['gpu_options'] devices = [] # device specified, remove all other devices if 'device' in gpu_options: dev = '/dev/nvidia' + gpu_options['device'] + ':/dev/nvidia' dev += gpu_options['device'] + ':rwm' if 'devices' in configs: d = list(configs['devices']) for device in d: if any(str.isdigit(str(char)) for char in device): if dev == device: devices.append(device) else: configs['devices'].remove(device) else: d = configs['devices'] for device in d: if any(str.isdigit(str(char)) for char in device): devices.append(device) # check if devices is still an empty list if not devices: status = (False, "no valid devices match the requested device") print(str(status)) return status mem_needed = 0 dedicated = False # need a gpu to itself if ('dedicated' in configs['gpu_options'] and configs['gpu_options']['dedicated'] == 'yes'): dedicated = True if 'mem_mb' in configs['gpu_options']: # TODO input error checking mem_needed = int(configs['gpu_options']['mem_mb']) print("mem_needed: ", mem_needed) print("dedicated: ", dedicated) device = None while not device: usage = GpuUsage(base_dir=path_dir+"/", meta_dir=path_dir) if usage[0]: usage = usage[1] else: return usage print(usage) # {"device": "0", # "mem_mb": "1024", # "dedicated": "yes", # "enabled": "yes"} for d in devices: dev = str(d.split(":")[0].split('nvidia')[1]) print(dev) # if the device is already dedicated, can't be used dedicated_gpus = usage['vent_usage']['dedicated'] is_dedicated = False for gpu in dedicated_gpus: if dev in gpu: is_dedicated = True print("is_dedicated: ", is_dedicated) if not is_dedicated: ram_used = 0 if dev in usage['vent_usage']['mem_mb']: ram_used = usage['vent_usage']['mem_mb'][dev] # check for vent usage/processes running if (dedicated and dev not in usage['vent_usage']['mem_mb'] and mem_needed <= usage[int(dev)]['global_memory'] and not usage[int(dev)]['processes']): device = dev # check for ram constraints elif mem_needed <= (usage[int(dev)]['global_memory'] - ram_used): device = dev # TODO make this sleep incremental up to a point, potentially kill # after a set time configured from vent.cfg, outputting as it goes time.sleep(1) # lock jobs to a specific gpu (no shared GPUs for a single process) this is # needed to calculate if memory requested (but not necessarily in use) # would become oversubscribed # store which device was mapped options['labels']['vent.gpu.device'] = device gpu_device = '/dev/nvidia' + device + ':/dev/nvidia' + device + ':rwm' if 'devices' in configs: d = configs['devices'] for dev in d: if any(str.isdigit(str(char)) for char in dev): if gpu_device != dev: configs['devices'].remove(dev) try: d_client = docker.from_env() del options['configs'] del configs['gpu_options'] params = options.copy() params.update(configs)**params) status = (True, None) except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover status = (False, str(e)) print(str(status)) return status
[docs]def file_queue(path, template_path="/vent/", r_host="redis"): """ Processes files that have been added from the rq-worker, starts plugins that match the mime type for the new file. """ import ConfigParser import ast import docker import json import requests import os import sys from redis import Redis from rq import Queue from subprocess import check_output, Popen, PIPE from string import punctuation from vent.helpers.logs import Logger status = (True, None) images = [] configs = {} logger = Logger(__name__) try: d_client = docker.from_env() # get the correct path for binding vent_config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser() vent_config.optionxform = str'vent.cfg') if (vent_config.has_section('main') and vent_config.has_option('main', 'files')): files = vent_config.get('main', 'files') else: files = '/' # deal with ~ files = os.path.expanduser(files) chars = set(punctuation) chars.discard('/') chars.discard('_') chars.discard('-') file_name = '' # escape any funky symbols to allow users FREEDOM of directory name for char in files: if char in chars: if char == '\\': file_name += '\\' + char else: file_name += '\\\\' + char else: file_name += char files = file_name _, path = path.split('_', 1) directory = path.rsplit('/', 1)[0] path = path.replace('/files', files, 1) path_copy = path # read in configuration of plugins to get the ones that should run # against the path. # keep track of images that failed getting configurations for failed_images = set() config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser() config.optionxform = str print("Path to manifest: "+ template_path+'plugin_manifest.cfg')'plugin_manifest.cfg') sections = config.sections() name_maps = {} orig_path_d = {} path_cmd = {} labels_d = {} # get all name maps for section in sections: link_name = config.get(section, 'link_name') image_name = config.get(section, 'image_name') name_maps[link_name] = image_name.replace(':', '-').replace('/', '-') for section in sections: path = path_copy orig_path = '' repo = config.get(section, 'repo') t_type = config.get(section, 'type') labels = {'vent-plugin': '', 'file': path, 'vent.section': section, 'vent.repo': repo, 'vent.type': t_type} image_name = config.get(section, 'image_name') link_name = config.get(section, 'link_name') # doesn't matter if it's a repository or registry because both in manifest if config.has_option(section, 'groups'): if 'replay' in config.get(section, 'groups'): try: # read the vent.cfg file to grab the network-mapping # specified. For replay_pcap n_name = 'network-mapping' n_map = [] if vent_config.has_section(n_name): # make sure that the options aren't empty if vent_config.options(n_name): options = vent_config.options(n_name) for option in options: if vent_config.get(n_name, option): n_map.append(vent_config.get( n_name, option)) orig_path = path path = str(n_map[0]) + " " + path except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover failed_images.add(image_name) status = (False, str(e)) if config.has_option(section, 'service'): try: options_dict = json.loads(config.get(section, 'service')) for option in options_dict: value = options_dict[option] labels[option] = value except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover failed_images.add(image_name) status = (False, str(e)) if config.has_option(section, 'settings'): try: options_dict = json.loads(config.get(section, 'settings')) in_base = directory == '/files' # process base by default process_file = in_base # check if this tool shouldn't process the base by default if 'process_base' in options_dict: if options_dict['process_base'] == 'no': process_file = False # check if this tool should look at subdirs created by # other tools' output if 'process_from_tool' in options_dict and not in_base: for tool in options_dict['process_from_tool'].split(','): if tool.replace(' ', '-') in directory: process_file = True if 'ext_types' in options_dict and process_file: ext_types = options_dict['ext_types'].split(',') for ext_type in ext_types: if path.endswith(ext_type): images.append(image_name) configs[image_name] = {} except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover failed_images.add(image_name) status = (False, str(e)) if image_name in configs: if config.has_option(section, 'docker'): try: options_dict = ast.literal_eval(config.get(section, 'docker')) for option in options_dict: try: configs[image_name][option] = ast.literal_eval(options_dict[option]) except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover configs[image_name][option] = options_dict[option] if 'links' in configs[image_name]: for link in configs[image_name]['links']: if link in name_maps: configs[image_name]['links'][name_maps[link]] = configs[image_name]['links'].pop(link) # TODO network_mode # TODO volumes_from # TODO external services except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover failed_images.add(image_name) status = (False, str(e)) if config.has_option(section, 'gpu') and image_name in configs: try: options_dict = json.loads(config.get(section, 'gpu')) if 'enabled' in options_dict: enabled = options_dict['enabled'] if enabled == 'yes': configs[image_name]['gpu_options'] = options_dict labels['vent.gpu'] = 'yes' if 'dedicated' in options_dict: labels['vent.gpu.dedicated'] = options_dict['dedicated'] if 'device' in options_dict: labels['vent.gpu.device'] = options_dict['device'] if 'mem_mb' in options_dict: labels['vent.gpu.mem_mb'] = options_dict['mem_mb'] port = '' host = '' if (vent_config.has_section('nvidia-docker-plugin') and vent_config.has_option('nvidia-docker-plugin', 'port')): port = vent_config.get('nvidia-docker-plugin', 'port') else: port = '3476' if (vent_config.has_section('nvidia-docker-plugin') and vent_config.has_option('nvidia-docker-plugin', 'host')): host = vent_config.get('nvidia-docker-plugin', 'host') else: # grab the default gateway try: route = Popen(('/sbin/ip', 'route'), stdout=PIPE) h = check_output(('awk', '/default/ {print$3}'), stdin=route.stdout) route.wait() host = h.strip() except Exception as e: # pragma no cover logger.error("Default gateway " "went wrong " + str(e)) nd_url = 'http://' + host + ':' + port + '/v1.0/docker/cli' params = {'vol': 'nvidia_driver'} try: r = requests.get(nd_url, params=params) if r.status_code == 200: options = r.text.split() for option in options: if option.startswith('--volume-driver='): configs[image_name]['volume_driver'] = option.split("=", 1)[1] elif option.startswith('--volume='): vol = option.split("=", 1)[1].split(":") if 'volumes' in configs[image_name]: # !! TODO handle if volumes is a list configs[image_name]['volumes'][vol[0]] = {'bind': vol[1], 'mode': vol[2]} else: configs[image_name]['volumes'] = {vol[0]: {'bind': vol[1], 'mode': vol[2]}} elif option.startswith('--device='): dev = option.split("=", 1)[1] if 'devices' in configs[image_name]: configs[image_name]['devices'].append(dev + ":" + dev + ":rwm") else: configs[image_name]['devices'] = [dev + ":" + dev + ":rwm"] else: # unable to parse option provided by # nvidia-docker-plugin pass except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover failed_images.add(image_name) status = (False, str(e)) print("Failure with nvidia-docker-plugin: " + str(e)) except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover failed_images.add(image_name) status = (False, str(e)) print("Unable to process gpu options: " + str(e)) path_cmd[image_name] = path orig_path_d[image_name] = orig_path labels_d[image_name] = labels # TODO get syslog address rather than hardcode # TODO add group label # TODO get group and name for syslog tag log_config = {'type': 'syslog', 'config': {'syslog-address': 'tcp://', 'syslog-facility': 'daemon', 'tag': path.rsplit('.', 1)[-1]}} # setup gpu queue can_queue_gpu = True try: q = Queue(connection=Redis(host=r_host), default_timeout=86400) except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover can_queue_gpu = False print("Unable to connect to redis: " + str(e)) # start containers for image in images: if image not in failed_images: orig_path = orig_path_d[image] labels = labels_d[image] if orig_path: # replay_pcap is special so we can't bind it like normal # since the plugin takes in an additional argument dir_path = orig_path.rsplit('/', 1)[0] else: dir_path = path.rsplit('/', 1)[0] volumes = {dir_path: {'bind': dir_path, 'mode': 'rw'}} if 'volumes' in configs[image]: for volume in volumes: configs[image]['volumes'][volume] = volumes[volume] else: configs[image]['volumes'] = volumes if 'vent.gpu' in labels and labels['vent.gpu'] == 'yes': if can_queue_gpu: # queue up containers requiring a gpu q_str = json.dumps({'image': image, 'command': path_cmd[image], 'labels': labels, 'detach': True, 'log_config': log_config, 'configs': configs[image]}) q.enqueue('watch.gpu_queue', q_str, ttl=2592000) else: failed_images.add(image) else: if 'gpu_options' in configs[image]: del configs[image]['gpu_options'], command=path_cmd[image], labels=labels, detach=True, log_config=log_config, **configs[image]) if failed_images: status = (False, failed_images) else: status = (True, images) except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover status = (False, str(e)) print('Error on line {}'.format(sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_lineno)) print("Failed to process job: " + str(e)) print(str(status)) return status