Source code for

import ast
import docker
import redis
import socket
import urlparse
import web

[docs]class CreateR: """ This endpoint is for creating a new filter """
[docs] @staticmethod def POST(): """ Send a POST request with id/nic/interval/filter/iters and it will start a container for collection with those specifications """ web.header('Content-Type', 'application/json') # verify payload is in the correct format data = # default to no filter payload = {'filter': ''} try: payload = ast.literal_eval(data) if 'filter' not in payload: payload['filter'] = '' except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover # check if url encoded data_dict = urlparse.parse_qs(data) for key in data_dict: payload[key] = data_dict[key][0] # payload should have the following fields: # - id # - nic # - interval # - filter # - iters # should spin up a tcpdump container that writes out pcap files based # on the filter needs to be attached to the nic specified, if iters is # -1 then loops until killed, otherwise completes iters number of # captures (and creates that many pcap files) should keep track of # container id, container name, and id of filter and filter + whatever # else is in payload in redis # verify payload has necessary information if 'nic' not in payload: return 'payload missing nic' if 'id' not in payload: return 'payload missing id' if 'interval' not in payload: return 'payload missing interval' if 'iters' not in payload: return 'payload missing iters' # connect to redis if 'metadata' in payload: r = None try: r = redis.StrictRedis(host='redis', port=6379, db=0) except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover try: r = redis.StrictRedis(host='localhost', port=6379, db=0) except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover return (False, 'unable to connect to redis because: ' + str(e)) if r: metadata = {} try: metadata = ast.literal_eval(payload['metadata']) except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover return (False, 'unable to convert metadata [ ' + str(payload['metadata']) + ' ] into a dict because: ' + str(e)) try: r.hmset(payload['id'], metadata) except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover return (False, 'unable to store contents of the payload [ ' + str(metadata) + ' ] in redis because: ' + str(e)) # connect to docker c = None try: c = docker.from_env() except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover return (False, 'unable to connect to docker because: ' + str(e)) # spin up container with payload specifications if c: tool_d = {"network_mode": "host", "volumes_from": [socket.gethostname()]} cmd = '/tmp/ ' + payload['nic'] + ' ' + payload['interval'] cmd += ' ' + payload['id'] + ' ' + payload['iters'] + ' ' cmd += payload['filter'] try: container_id ='cyberreboot/vent-ncapture:master', command=cmd, detach=True, **tool_d) except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover return (False, 'unable to start container because: ' + str(e)) return (True, 'successfully created and started filter ' + str(payload['id']) + ' on container: ' + str(container_id))