User Data

The User Data directory is listed on the Vent main menu. Here you can find five files and two directories here.



Meta data about all built core and plugin tools.


All data regarding finished jobs is written to this JSON file. This file actually doesn’t exist until a job is processed and completed. Each tool will get it’s own JSON entry. If there were two tools that ran and finished, there will be one entry for each tool.


A configuration file used to customize Vent and its processes.


The directory of File Drop. For example, if files = /opt/vent_files, Vent will monitor for any new files in that directory.

Override the default POST name for all services. So, let’s say Vent has Elasticsearch at URL

By adding:

service_uri =

under the main section, the URL for Elasticsearch is now



The option here can be whatever is desired. The value is the nic that the plugin tool replay_pcap will replay to.

For example:

my_nic = enp0s25

Now the plugin tool replay_pcap will mirror whatever given pcap files to enp0s25.

Currently, only one nic at a time is supported.


Override port for the Nvidia docker plugin
Override the host for the Nvidia docker plugin


Name of tool we want Vent to use externally rather than internally. For example, if there is already an Elasticsearch service that a user wants Vent to use rather than Vent’s internal Elasticsearch, we could write:

Elasticsearch = {"ip_address": "", "port": "9200",
"locally_active": "yes"}

If a port is not specified, then it defaults to core tool’s default port. Also, you can toggle whether you want to use the local docker container that vent utilizes or the external service by switching locally_active between yes and no.



The order in which the tool groups are started in csv format. For example:


means that core tools are started first, then any tool in the pcap group, and lastly any tool in the replay group. Within those groups, plugin priority will determine the start order of the tools.


This file only tells Vent if this is the first time Vent is running so the tutorial can be the first menu listed rather than Vent’s main menu.


Log file that keeps track of the statuses of Vent’s functionality. It lists what action is taking place and shows a list of steps taken to perform that action. So if something goes wrong, this file is a good place to start to find out what the problem is.



This is a folder that Vent clones to when dealing with core tools. So when Vent adds or builds core tools, this is the working directory.


This folder deals with any plugin tools with the same philosophy as the .internals directory.