Source code for vent.helpers.meta

import datetime
import docker
import json
import math
import multiprocessing
import os
import pkg_resources
import platform
import requests

from subprocess import check_output, Popen, PIPE

from vent.api.templates import Template
from vent.helpers.paths import PathDirs

[docs]def Version(): """ Get Vent version """ version = '' try: version = pkg_resources.require("vent")[0].version if not version.startswith('v'): version = 'v' + version except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover version = "Error: " + str(e) return version
[docs]def System(): """ Get system operating system """ return platform.system()
[docs]def Docker(): """ Get Docker setup information """ docker_info = {'server': {}, 'env': '', 'type': '', 'os': ''} # get docker server version try: d_client = docker.from_env() docker_info['server'] = d_client.version() except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover pass # get operating system system = System() docker_info['os'] = system # check if native or using docker-machine if 'DOCKER_MACHINE_NAME' in os.environ: # using docker-machine docker_info['env'] = os.environ['DOCKER_MACHINE_NAME'] docker_info['type'] = 'docker-machine' elif 'DOCKER_HOST' in os.environ: # not native docker_info['env'] = os.environ['DOCKER_HOST'] docker_info['type'] = 'remote' else: # using "local" server docker_info['type'] = 'native' return docker_info
[docs]def Containers(vent=True, running=True): """ Get containers that are created, by default limit to vent containers that are running """ containers = [] try: d_client = docker.from_env() if vent: c = d_client.containers.list(all=not running, filters={'label': 'vent'}) else: c = d_client.containers.list(all=not running) for container in c: containers.append((, container.status)) except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover pass return containers
[docs]def Cpu(): """ Get number of available CPUs """ cpu = "Unknown" try: cpu = str(multiprocessing.cpu_count()) except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover pass return cpu
[docs]def Gpu(pull=False): """ Check for support of GPUs, and return what's available """ gpu = (False, "") try: image = 'nvidia/cuda:8.0-runtime' image_name, tag = image.split(":") d_client = docker.from_env() nvidia_image = d_client.images.list(name=image) if pull and len(nvidia_image) == 0: try: d_client.images.pull(image_name, tag=tag) nvidia_image = d_client.images.list(name=image) except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover pass if len(nvidia_image) > 0: cmd = 'nvidia-docker run --rm ' + image + ' nvidia-smi -L' proc = Popen([cmd], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, shell=True, close_fds=True) gpus = err = if gpus: gpu_str = "" for line in gpus.strip().split("\n"): gpu_str += line.split(" (UUID: ")[0] + ", " gpu = (True, gpu_str[:-2]) else: if err: gpu = (False, "Unknown", str(err)) else: gpu = (False, "None") else: gpu = (False, "None") except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover gpu = (False, "Unknown", str(e)) return gpu
[docs]def GpuUsage(**kargs): """ Get the current GPU usage of available GPUs """ usage = (False, None) gpu_status = {'vent_usage': {'dedicated': [], 'mem_mb': {}}} path_dirs = PathDirs(**kargs) path_dirs.host_config() template = Template(template=path_dirs.cfg_file) # get running jobs using gpus try: d_client = docker.from_env() c = d_client.containers.list(all=False, filters={'label': 'vent-plugin'}) for container in c: if ('vent.gpu' in container.attrs['Config']['Labels'] and container.attrs['Config']['Labels']['vent.gpu'] == 'yes'): device = container.attrs['Config']['Labels']['vent.gpu.device'] if ('vent.gpu.dedicated' in container.attrs['Config']['Labels'] and container.attrs['Config']['Labels']['vent.gpu.dedicated'] == 'yes'): gpu_status['vent_usage']['dedicated'].append(device) elif 'vent.gpu.mem_mb' in container.attrs['Config']['Labels']: if device not in gpu_status['vent_usage']['mem_mb']: gpu_status['vent_usage']['mem_mb'][device] = 0 gpu_status['vent_usage']['mem_mb'][device] += int(container.attrs['Config']['Labels']['vent.gpu.mem_mb']) except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover pass port = '3476' # default docker gateway host = '' result = template.option('nvidia-docker-plugin', 'port') if result[0]: port = result[1] result = template.option('nvidia-docker-plugin', 'host') if result[0]: host = result[1] else: try: # now just requires ip, ifconfig route = check_output(('ip', 'route')).split('\n') default = '' # grab the default network device. for device in route: if 'default' in device: default = device.split()[4] break # grab the IP address for the default device ip_addr = check_output(('ifconfig', default)) ip_addr = ip_addr.split('\n')[1].split()[1] host = ip_addr except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover pass # have to get the info separately to determine how much memory is availabe nd_url = 'http://' + host + ':' + port + '/v1.0/gpu/info/json' try: r = requests.get(nd_url) if r.status_code == 200: status = r.json() for i, device in enumerate(status['Devices']): gm = int(round(math.log(int(device['Memory']['Global']), 2))) gpu_status[i] = {'global_memory': 2**gm, 'cores': device['Cores']} else: usage = (False, "Unable to get GPU usage request error code: " + str(r.status_code)) except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover usage = (False, "Error: " + str(e)) # get actual status of each gpu nd_url = 'http://' + host + ':' + port + '/v1.0/gpu/status/json' try: r = requests.get(nd_url) if r.status_code == 200: status = r.json() for i, device in enumerate(status['Devices']): if i not in gpu_status: gpu_status[i] = {} gpu_status[i]['utilization'] = device['Utilization'] gpu_status[i]['memory'] = device['Memory'] gpu_status[i]['processes'] = device['Processes'] usage = (True, gpu_status) else: usage = (False, "Unable to get GPU usage request error code: " + str(r.status_code)) except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover usage = (False, "Error: " + str(e)) return usage
[docs]def Images(vent=True): """ Get images that are build, by default limit to vent images """ images = [] # TODO needs to also check images in the manifest that couldn't have the # label added try: d_client = docker.from_env() if vent: i = d_client.images.list(filters={'label': 'vent'}) else: i = d_client.images.list() for image in i: images.append((image.tags[0], image.short_id)) except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover pass return images
[docs]def Jobs(): """ Get the number of jobs that are running and finished, and the number of total tools running and finished for those jobs """ jobs = [0, 0, 0, 0] # get running jobs try: d_client = docker.from_env() c = d_client.containers.list(all=False, filters={'label': 'vent-plugin'}) files = [] for container in c: jobs[1] += 1 if 'file' in container.attrs['Config']['Labels']: if container.attrs['Config']['Labels']['file'] not in files: files.append(container.attrs['Config']['Labels']['file']) jobs[0] = len(files) except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover pass # get finished jobs try: d_client = docker.from_env() c = d_client.containers.list(all=True, filters={'label': 'vent-plugin', 'status': 'exited'}) file_names = [] tool_names = [] finished_jobs = [] path_dirs = PathDirs() manifest = os.path.join(path_dirs.meta_dir, "status.json") if os.path.exists(manifest): file_status = 'a' else: file_status = 'w' # get a list of past jobs' file names if status.json exists if file_status == 'a': with open(manifest, 'r') as infile: for line in infile: finished_jobs.append(json.loads(line)) # get a list of file names so we can check against each container file_names = [d['FileName'] for d in finished_jobs] # multiple tools can run on 1 file. Use a tuple to status check tool_names = [(d['FileName'], d['VentPlugin']) for d in finished_jobs] for container in c: jobs[3] += 1 if 'file' in container.attrs['Config']['Labels']: # make sure the file name and the tool tup exists because # multiple tools can run on 1 file. if (container.attrs['Config']['Labels']['file'], container.attrs['Config']['Labels']['']) not in \ tool_names: # TODO figure out a nicer way of getting desired values # from containers.attrs. new_file = {} new_file['FileName'] = \ container.attrs['Config']['Labels']['file'] new_file['VentPlugin'] = \ container.attrs['Config']['Labels'][''] new_file['StartedAt'] = \ container.attrs['State']['StartedAt'] new_file['FinishedAt'] = \ container.attrs['State']['FinishedAt'] new_file['ID'] = \ container.attrs['Id'][:12] # create/append a json file with all wanted information with open(manifest, file_status) as outfile: json.dump(new_file, outfile) outfile.write("\n") # add extra one to account for file that just finished if the file was # just created since file_names is processed near the beginning if file_status == 'w' and len(file_names) == 1: jobs[2] = len(set(file_names)) + 1 else: jobs[2] = len(set(file_names)) jobs[3] = jobs[3] - jobs[1] except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover pass return tuple(jobs)
[docs]def Tools(**kargs): """ Get tools that exist in the manifest """ path_dirs = PathDirs(**kargs) manifest = os.path.join(path_dirs.meta_dir, "plugin_manifest.cfg") template = Template(template=manifest) tools = template.sections() return tools[1]
[docs]def Services(core, vent=True, external=False, **kargs): """ Get services that have exposed ports, expects param core to be True or False based on which type of services to return, by default limit to vent containers and processes not running externally, if not limited by vent containers, then core is ignored. """ services = [] path_dirs = PathDirs(**kargs) template = Template(template=path_dirs.cfg_file) services_uri = template.option("main", "services_uri") try: # look for internal services if not external: d_client = docker.from_env() if vent: c_filter = {'label': 'vent'} containers = d_client.containers.list(filters=c_filter) else: containers = d_client.containers.list() for c in containers: uri_prefix = '' uri_postfix = '' uri_user = '' uri_pw = '' name = None if vent and '' in c.attrs['Config']['Labels']: if ((core and 'vent.groups' in c.attrs['Config']['Labels'] and 'core' in c.attrs['Config']['Labels']['vent.groups']) or (not core and 'vent.groups' in c.attrs['Config']['Labels'] and 'core' not in c.attrs['Config']['Labels']['vent.groups'])): name = c.attrs['Config']['Labels'][''] if 'uri_prefix' in c.attrs['Config']['Labels']: uri_prefix = c.attrs['Config']['Labels']['uri_prefix'] if 'uri_postfix' in c.attrs['Config']['Labels']: uri_postfix = c.attrs['Config']['Labels']['uri_postfix'] if 'uri_user' in c.attrs['Config']['Labels']: uri_user = " user:" uri_user += c.attrs['Config']['Labels']['uri_user'] if 'uri_pw' in c.attrs['Config']['Labels']: uri_pw = " pw:" uri_pw += c.attrs['Config']['Labels']['uri_pw'] else: name = ports = c.attrs['NetworkSettings']['Ports'] p = [] for port in ports: if ports[port]: uri_creds = '' if uri_user or uri_pw: uri_creds = " - (" + uri_user + uri_pw + " )" host = ports[port][0]['HostIp'] if services_uri[0] and host == '': host = services_uri[1] p.append(uri_prefix + host + ":" + ports[port][0]['HostPort'] + uri_postfix + uri_creds) if p and name: services.append((name, p)) # look for external services else: ext_tools = template.section('external-services')[1] for ext_tool in ext_tools: try: name = ext_tool[0].lower() p = [] settings_dict = json.loads(ext_tool[1]) if ('locally_active' in settings_dict and settings_dict['locally_active'] == 'no'): # default protocol to display will be http protocol = 'http' ip_address = '' port = '' for setting in settings_dict: if setting == 'ip_address': ip_address = settings_dict[setting] if setting == 'port': port = settings_dict[setting] if setting == 'protocol': protocol = settings_dict[setting] p.append(protocol + '://' + ip_address + ':' + port) if p and name: services.append((name, p)) except Exception: # pragma: no cover p = None except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover pass return services
[docs]def Timestamp(): """ Get the current datetime in UTC """ timestamp = "" try: timestamp = str(" UTC" except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover pass return timestamp
[docs]def Uptime(): """ Get the current uptime information """ uptime = "" try: uptime = str(check_output(["uptime"], close_fds=True))[1:] except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover pass return uptime
[docs]def DropLocation(): """ Get the directory that file drop is watching """ template = Template(template=PathDirs().cfg_file) drop_loc = template.option("main", "files")[1] drop_loc = os.path.expanduser(drop_loc) drop_loc = os.path.abspath(drop_loc) return (True, drop_loc)